Privacy Policy knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust and want you to feel confident in our services and security as it relates to your personal information.

What personal information does gather?

Here are the types of information we gather.

  • Information You Give Us: We receive and store any information you enter on our Web site or give us in any other way. You can choose not to provide certain information. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, fulfilling orders, and communication with you.

  • Automatic Information: We receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with our website. For example, like many web sites, we sometimes use “cookies,” and we obtain certain types of information when your Web browser accesses our website. We may use technology to track the patterns of behaviour of visitors to our Site but you can usually modify your browser to prevent this happening.

Does share the information it receives?

  • We respect your privacy and appreciate your business. We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. We will not pass on your details to third parties, unless expressly stated herein. Which information can I access?

  • gives you access to a broad range of information about your account and your interactions with us for the limited purpose of viewing and, in certain cases, updating that information.

If you have any questions / comments about privacy, please contact us.